C+C is committed to providing delicious confections and connecting with local non-profit organizations in the greater-Memphis area.


Confections & Connections has a STORE FRONT + ANOTHER BUSINESS!

In July, I took a leap of faith and bought the Germantown staple- MISS MUFF’N BAKERY. What now? I am merging the two businesses in hopes to create the best bakery around. I am the sole owner,but plan to keep the legacy & staples of Miss Muff’n while adding all the delicious goodies and heart/mission of Confections & Connections. Its still me… just adding another business on top.

It has been a crazy few months to say the least! I jumped head first into a storefront while acquiring an established 31 year old business AND became the “boss” of an amazing team. Everyday is an adventure + a learning experience and I could not be more thankful as my dreams become a reality.


Confections & Connections is in a major transition phase. I never imagined I would buy another bakery considering the fact that I love the first one so much. However, plans change. God placed an amazing opportunity in my path and I took it. With that said, a lot of things are being figured out right now. I have an end vision, but it’s going to take some time to get there. Right now, I am trying to balance both bakeries as I figure out the merging part. If you walk into Miss Muff’n you can expect to find the original Miss Muff’n cakes + cupcakes + cake balls (they are well known for the strawberry cake), but you can expect your favorite C+C cookies. All the cookies + bars have already transitioned to my recipes. The cakes + cupcakes will be a little intermingled for a little bit.

TO ORDER: Please call 901-757-1258.

Adorable Smash Cake Photos above were taken by the talented Katie Norrid of Katie Norrid Photography



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We will be connecting with the Baptist Centers for Good Grief May-August! Their Mission: to provide a safe environment for grieving children, teens and adults to explore and express their feelings related to the death of a loved one and to learn to thrive in a world without that special person.

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FACE of Memphis

StyleBlueprint Memphis graciously featured me (Kelsey Loebel) as one of their FACE'S of Memphis! I got to talk about my life + what led me to C+C and more... click below!

Photo by: Micki Martin 


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The Cancer

Card XChange Donation!

Confections & Connections had the honor of donating a little over $900 worth of gift cards to CCX after our time connecting with them! The gift cards will now be mailed to several people who are currently facing cancer in hopes to brighten their day/let them know we care! Big thanks to all who ordered, donated, and supported during these past few months!!

So excited to see Confections & Connections featured in the Financial Federal Banking Report! Photo by: Chip Pankey. Click the article to enlarge. (note: Memphis Oral School was corrected in final version of the article.)

C+C in Southern Bride Magazine

Check out the latest issue of Southern Bride Magazine to see this pretty little cake by C+C & the rest of this beautiful styled shoot by Betts Made & Katie Norrid Photography! Loved being a part of this! Photo by: Katie Norrid Photography.

Harwood Donation!

After our time connecting with the Harwood Center, we were able to donate a new IPad equipped with the LAMP app! Thank you to all who ordered, donated, and all around supported C+C and the Harwood Center these last 4 months! Together we are making a difference.

Check us out in the April Issue of Click Magazine!

Cupcake Decorating

Top Two Pictures: MOSD for Community Week        Bottom Two Pictures: Harwood Center for a fun PR event as we connected with them the last few months!

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