con·fec·tion: /kənˈfekSH(ə)n/ : noun : a dish or delicacy made with sweet ingredients.

con·nec·tion: /kəˈnekSH(ə)n/ : noun : something that joins or connects two or more things : the act of connecting two or more things or the state of being connected : a situation in which two or more things have the same cause, origin, goal, etc.

To Sum It Up...

Confections & Connections, or C + C, is a small start up bakery that is baking with a purpose. Confections & Connections is just a baby and officially began in May 2015. It is currently (and temporarily) operated from my home kitchen where delicious sweet treats are whipped up just for you! Love and sugar are the cornerstone ingredients in our cupcakes, cakes, and cookies and you can be sure our products are always freshly-made with quality ingredients. They're guaranteed to be 100% delicious.

What’s the “purpose”? Well other than providing you with mouthwatering desserts that you can’t resist, 10% of our profits go to various charities in the Memphis area! Every few months, C + C chooses a different “connection” in which all the orders placed during this time will contribute to a larger donation given at the close of the project! What’s better than eating a dessert AND knowing you are helping someone in your community while doing it!? So lets do some good and maybe eat some cupcakes while we’re at it!

The Story of Confections & Connections

          C + C has been dreamt up for as long as I can remember and for the most part, I wasn’t even aware it was in the works. Who am “I”?  And who is “us” and “we” referred to throughout the website you ask? Well, it’s just me (for now). My name is Kelsey and I am the founder, the owner, the baker, the accountant, the box folder, the dishwasher, the deliverer, head of marketing and sales, and… you get my point. I’m a one-woman show, of course with the exception of my wonderful family and friends who are always here to support, encourage, taste test, and are more than willing to lend a helping hand (or two) whenever I need it.

           I have wanted to own my own business since I was a kid. At the time I didn’t know what it would be but I knew I wanted to create something from the ground up. Working for someone else wouldn’t do. I wanted my own company and I wanted to call the shots. In middle school, when I was about 11 (and could be somewhat trusted to use the oven by myself) I grew a random interest in baking. I say random because no one in my family baked and I was that weird kid who watched food network instead of MTV. Also around this time, my heart shifted to those less fortunate than I, especially kids. I knew I had a calling to help, but I didn’t know exactly how to go about it.

            Fast forward to college. I decided to go to the University of Mississippi where I received a degree in Business Management and a minor in Entrepreneurship. When I was a senior and graduation was quickly approaching, I was panicking. I was lost. I wanted to open a business and I wanted to do it now. I wanted it to be a bakery, but was struggling with the idea. I couldn’t put my finger on the “point” of a bakery. Lets be honest, there are a lot of bakeries, what difference would I make? Yes, my baked goods are really awesome and are sure to make your day a little sweeter, but when all is said and done, it’s still just a cupcake. It gets eaten and it’s gone. I prayed about it, worried about it, considered any other career, prayed some more, and then BAM! One day it hit me like a ton of bricks. I could have the best of both worlds. I would have my bakery and be the entrepreneur I always wanted to be and I would use said bakery to give, to help, and ultimately to connect with others. I decided a percentage of my profits would go to various charities and at the end of the day, all the devoured baked goods and my business would have a purpose. There was a point. There IS a point. And Confections & Connections was created.

            Now, just a few months later, I have barely even scratched the surface of this journey but I have already seen this once abstract idea turn into something real. Something meaningful. I am full of anticipation and excitement to see where Confections & Connections will go from here. If this business can make a true difference in even just one person’s life, well then I have succeeded in my goal. I know I am young and my “words of wisdom” come from a mere 22 years of life experience, but at the end of the day the only thing that really matters on earth are the PEOPLE that are on it. Life boils down to the people you love, the relationships you make, and the impact you make on others. So here I am today… trying to make a difference in my own little way and helping my other human friends who are in need of a helping hand… and those that are in need of some sugar too!

With love, Kelsey

Donate to the current Project here